Monday, December 9, 2019
Question: Write an essay onOrganizations. Answer: In todays competitive environment that is persisting highly in the business zone across the world, maintenance of appropriate integration has become the foremost need. Organization Behaviour, therefore, is such a concept that requires an immediate recognition in almost all the companies. Commitment to an organization is one of most important motto that the organizations aim at. An organization in order to progress in their particular fields of specialization must ensure that the employees working in that particular organization are able to identify themselves with the goals of the organization. The managerial department of the particular firm should take into consideration the factors that affect the behaviour or the performance of the employees towards the organization. Organizational behaviour and therefore the aspect of organizational commitment to the organization are interrelated. Maintenance of proper work efficiency in a company demands that the organizational behaviour among the working staff and the leadership of the company is of utmost value. The very concept of organizational behaviour refers to the interface between the behaviour of the working staff of an organization and the organization itself. Organizational behaviour of the individuals working in a business firm determines largely the nature of growth of an organization. The industrial revolution that took place during the eighteenth century led to the intensification of the productive level of the industries. The increase in the levels of production was responsible for disrupting the organizational behaviour of the employees. The employees had to work under adverse conditions in the factories and with low payments. However, with the advent of modernisation during the post war era, the structure of the organizations underwent a change and the intensity of globalization made the organizations pose more focus upon the improvisation of the organizations. To survive in this competitive environme nt, the companies have to adopt certain policies that can help in the enhancement of the conditions of the employees. A varied set of factors influence the organizational behaviour of the companies. The relationship of the employees with the leadership of the organization, the structural framework of the company, the policies and schemes directed to the welfare of the employees, integrated structure of the management and maintenance of unity in the diversity that remains present in the organizational culture are the measuring heads. These factors determine the organizational behaviour and its impact upon the organization. Discussion: According to Barnard, (1938), Organizations are cooperative or social systems that involve and require the coordination of the tangible and the intangible, i.e. the individuals and the technology. Both the professional and the personal matter should amalgamate in an accurate manner. Thus, most of the critics are of the opinion that the Organizational Behaviour is the study of the functioning and performance of an organization and the ways in which the individuals working in the company that decide the growth of that particular organization. Organizational Behaviour is all about the way the environment of an organization influence the individuals or the people working in an organization, and vice versa. It can be more appropriately described as the branch of applied science that deals with the study of a total interdisciplinary approach that is humanistic and oriented towards the objectives of the organization (Hogg and Terry 2014.). The very concept of Organizational behaviour empha sizes the fact that a business process is actually a social system and not only a technology or economic aspects based organization. Therefore, participation of the individuals in each process as a whole constitutes the formation and systematic operation of an industry. Reasons for conducting an organizational Behaviour: The managers in todays competitive world have increasingly felt the need for undertaking the monitoring of the functioning of the organizations. The companies conduct the audits in different ways. The adjustment between an individual and organization has serious implications upon the proper maintenance of the strategies of an organization. The cultural audits are often undertaken by the companies in order to assess the status of socialization existing in a particular company between the leadership and the workforce. This kind of audit is conducted to examine the values and beliefs prevailing in the organization. This audit helps to analyse the cultural atmosphere of the organization. The critical events that happen in the companies are evaluated by such audits that help in deciding the basic policies that need to be set forth for minimising such critical events, so that the positive effects can be enhanced. An organization is always formed via appropriate integration of the subcultur es. As and when the individuals working in an organization is able to acquaint them with such an atmosphere and enrich socialization, that particular organization is able to enrich its position in terms of organizational behaviour (Naylor et al. 2013). The chief function of the audit teams remain in evaluating the ethical behaviour of the organizations. An ethics audit is conducted in order to check whether the leadership or the authorities of the company enforces and maintains its commitment to the ethical norms. The auditors must be efficient and qualified to be competent enough to understand all the relevant industry standards. The ethics audit team with the help of the reports gathered via the primary sources, customers and stakeholders could survey the ethical behaviour of a company appropriately. The audit team is also required by the organization to make survey whether the individuals working in the organization accurately follow the codes or business practices. Violation of the ethical standards in a company will lead to the decline in the profitable position of any business organization in the business world. Therefore, it becomes very essential for the company to conduct auditing at regular intervals (OSISIOMA 2015.). Areas to be assessed in an Organizational Behaviour Audit: Firstly, in the relationship between an organizations workforce and the authorities is intensely fundamental in order to ensure employee retention and developing organizational commitment among the employees. The audit team therefore must therefore examine the values shared between the employees and the leadership and the managerial department of the company. If the relationship between the organizations administrative and the workforce report a dispute, then the audit team must suggest certain strategies that would help in developing corporate relationships (Barrick 2013). Secondly, auditing of the control environment becomes an integral factor. Surveys should be conducted wit h respect to the inner workings of the organization. The audit team should evaluate the standards of performance management during the process of auditing the organizational behaviour. Performance audit is conducted by the company in assessing the level or the quality of the performance of the employees of any particular organization (Naylor et al. 2013). Thirdly, grievances audit is another part of organizational audit program. In case of organizational behaviour audit, the audit needs to make a sincere survey regarding the feedback of the employees. If the employees render a negative feedback in terms of the financial and moral support provided to them by the employees, the audit team would suggest vital policies and programs that are required to gain the employee retention and thereby increase the commitment of the employees (Montano and Kasprzyk 2015). Fourthly, there exists the intelligence audit that helps to determine and examine the manner in which an organization operates in the industry and how the surrounding environment poses impact upon the functioning of the organization. The intelligence audit takes into account the strategic business processes, procedures and cultures that define the entire infrastructure of an organization. The intelligence system of an organization should be flexible enough to adapt itself to the changes occurring in the surrounding environment and thereby meet the business interests. Factors evaluated in the above mentioned areas: The first and foremost factor that is important in an organization is the employees. The efficient performance of the employees ultimately upgrades the functioning of a business organization. Therefore, the audit or survey of the performance of the workforce is the major factor that needs to be undertaken by the audit team. There should be an evaluation of the cultural scenario of the organizations. The entire working staffs of an organization are characterized by the cultural diversity. Therefore, it becomes important that there remains integrity in this diversity. The management of the organization remains always responsible for proper administration of the cultural framework within the organization.The welfare of the employees is another most important concern that should be taken into account during the audit. It is because when the employees of a business concern are aware of the fact that the firm is providing all the required and justified requirements that can enhance the pro ductivity and efficiency of the employees (Craft 2013).The organizational behaviour audit must appropriately conduct the survey regarding the decision making approach of the firm. An active participation on the part of every individual is an absolute pre-requisite in case of every firm. Thus, the auditing of the business organizations should make an analysis of such aspects of any firm. It should most importantly assess that the decisions taken by the firm are judicious and are directed at achieving the aims of The leadership strategies of an organization also determine largely the commitment of the employees towards the organization. The audit team is required to make an appraisal of the same. If the process of auditing is able to find any such practices that are against the ethical norms that should be maintained, then immediate amendments need to be suggested by the team (Zwijze-Koning 2016). Corrupt practices need to be strictly prohibited and actions have to be taken if any suc h cases are detected. These factors related to the organizational behaviour of an organization occupy an integral position in the organization and its performance in the business world. It is only when the leadership strategies of an organization are efficient and able to provide the employees with needed job satisfaction that a business concern heads towards its path of progress. Furthermore, the capability or rather the eligibility of the workers to work in a culturally diverse environment also measures the achievement of an organization in terms of its human relation approach (Benn et al. 2014.). Seasonal auditing of the business organizations help in making the aims of those organizations much more defined.The Theories that `lead the formation as well as support the concept of the Organizational Behaviour reveal the fact that the only the recruitment of the highly qualified and prudent employees in an organization do not serve the purpose of achieving the set goals of a business concern. It shows the fact that the prosperity of an organization depends largely upon various aspects related to the approaches of the individuals working in an organization. It is mainly the process of socialization that constitutes one of the major factors in shaping the ultimate future of a business industry. Many positive and negative dimensions with regard to the organizational performance presume the extent growth and stability of a company. The theory of Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence) forms one of the major theories with respect to the notion of Organizational Behaviour. This is the theory that states that it is the ability of the individuals to identify, understand and integrate ones own thoughts and feelings as well as those of others, which helps the leadership of an organization to carry out the entire wok process in a proficient way. This concept applies to even the workforce of the company. As and when the individuals working in a concern are able to understand the thought process of each other, then managing different issues in an organization becomes easy. The leadership of an organization is liable to understand the shared values among the employees and their mindset, and thereby takes decisions accordingly (Baran 2012). Secondly, there is the Theory of Personality. The personality of an individual that is an integration of a persons personal traits and beliefs play a very important role at the workplace. The differing personalities in a company determine the productivity and quality standards in a company. The personality traits of the working staffs in an organization are considered to be an important predictor of the performance of the individuals. Conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, emotional stability and agreeableness are the characteristics that enable to decide upon the abilities needed on the part of the individuals to continue working ethically and resourcefully in an organization (Montano and Kasprzyk 2015) . Thirdly, it will be most vital for an organization to captivate the motivation of the workforce of an organization. Motivation differs from one organization to another. Some individuals find motivation via the meaningful relationships that develop at the workplace; it is the sense of belongingness and identity that motivate them to upgrade their work and meet the expectations of the company. On the other hand, there are others who are instigated or rather motivated by their fundamental aims in life (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). They are morally responsible and maintain the ethical norms in an organization. These kinds of people are motivated by their sincerity and always provide supportive stance to the company. Fourthly, there comes the theory of perception. This theory states that in order to maintain the organizational behaviour in a company, the authorities require to have a dexterous pattern of perception. Both the employees and the authorities of a business organization upo n all the aspects related to their departments should give focus. The focus or the perception should not be confined to any particular factor. It is only when the scope of perception is increased then the business interests can receive a boost and easily achieve the aims (Agwu 2013). Theory of the Attitudes and Behaviour is almost similar to the theory of Personality. Attitude refers to a particular state of mind that an individual possesses. The modes of thinking and acting on the part of the individuals operating in an organization predict their impact upon the organization and vice versa. These together, thus denote the attitude and behaviour of the people. Behaviour constitutes the manner in which the individuals in an organization behave with each other. The introduction of new provisions in favour of the employees will automatically change the attitude and behaviour of the employees towards their work and they can be easily inspired to be more productive (Amujo et al.2013). Ju lius Berger Nigeria Plc is a Nigerian Construction company, located in Abuja and founded in the year 1950 excels in its structural engineering and infrastructure works throughout Nigeria. The company has turned to be a well known one in Nigeria, in terms of constructing the major expressways, residential buildings. The company undertook the major projects of Nigeria, such as the construction of the Lagos Inner Ring Road, Tin Can Island Port, National Assembly Phase III, Challawa Gorge Dam Karaye and many others like the Eko Bridge and the Third Mainland Bridge in 1968, and 1990 respectively. Although the company is engaged in the dealings of the domestic and international oil and gas industry projects, the business related to the construction forms the chief concern of the company. It is the heart of the companys major share of revenues and progress. The company provides employment to nearly 20000 employees in 40 nations. The company became one of the largest private employers in Ni geria (Alleyne et al. 2013). The company continually tries to upgrade its business policies and strategies for the better management of the employees. The development of the knowledge and skills of the workforce are enhanced by the company in order to increase the competency of the employees. The company is extremely committed in paying information to the stakeholders and the employees regarding the business activities so that it is able maintain good and long term relationship with the all the members who are associated with the organization. The organization remains excessively sincere in maintaining the safety and a healthy environment, so that the no adverse impact is imposed upon the society and the members related to the company. The company maintains the business integrity and abides by the laws that are applicable while operating in Nigeria and even makes its business partners and shareholders follow the same (Fernandez-Feijoo 2014).Planning of an Organizational Behaviour au dit for the Julius Berger Company: The audit team headed by the Organizational Behaviour analyst that will conduct the evaluation of the organizational commitment or organizational behaviour of the company requires at first the permission of the CEO of Julius Berger Plc. The company is proceeding well in terms of its employee retention strategy and maintenance of the ethical standards regarding the relationship with the surrounding societal structure and the stakeholders or the business shareholders (Korschun et al.2014). Thus, the audit team needs after receiving the approval from the CEO of the company should plan the audit in the following manner: The audit team should take into account at the first phase the examination of the infrastructural facilities and positioning of the company, whether it is in favour of the employees and the society. Second phase would constitute of the evaluation of the mode relationship between the leadership and the workforce of the organization. Th e auditing should be done for surveying the rate of compatibility of the working staffs in a culturally diverse atmosphere as the company employs the members from across the 40 nations. One to one interaction with the employees and the authorities, the managers and supervisors need to be conducted by the audit group in private in order to know the actual status. This will help in knowing the personalities, factors of motivation and perception as a whole of the entire working staffs. Information regarding the quality of the performance management needs to be adopted from the management department of the company as well as from some of the consumers or shareholders associated with the firm. The strategies adopted by the firm in terms of the welfare management of the employees and efficient management of the ethical norms of socialization should be reviewed by the auditing team in order to know the current position. Thus, the Organizational Behaviour analyst should comply with all the above mentioned theories of organizational behaviour and the current status of the organization while conducting the auditing of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Conclusion: Corporate social responsibility has become of the most important aspects prevailing in the business world. Thus, the business organizations need to enhance their strategies that can help in maintaining the organizational behaviour within the company. This will in turn help the company in becoming socially responsible. 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